Secondary (6-12)

Secondary (6-12)

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High School & Middle School News

Honor Roll Sticker

Quarter 2 Honor Roll

Honor rolls are determined by the grade point average (GPA) for the quarter grades of individual students in grades 7-12. The GPA average for the quarter determines if the student qualifies for placement on the honor roll list.
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Piggy Bank & Diploma

529 Savings Plan for K-12 Tuition

The recent tax reform law expanded 529 savings plans so that they now allow savings for K–12 tuition expenses. The maximum distribution for K–12 tuition is $10,000 per year per child for expenses incurred beginning January 1, 2018.  You can find more details by downloading the following document from our website:  Tax Reform 529 for Schools and Parents More +

Secondary Office

Phone: (740) 654-2889
Fax:  (740) 654-7689
Becky Knechtel, Principal
Becky Knechtel
6-12 Principal
Extension: 316
Marcus Pardon-Dudash 
Athletic Director
Extension: 311
Kara Stephens
School Counselor
Director of Admissions
Extension: 312

Samantha Rhodes
Secondary Office Administrative Assistant
Extension: 307

Kirsten Carpenter
Student Well Being Counselor
Extension: 298
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