New Enrollment

New Enrollment

New Student Enrollment for K-12th Grade

FCA will begin accepting new student applications* for the 2025-2026 School Year on February 3, 2025. Click "Enroll Online" to the right to go to our Application Website.

*Application submission does not guarantee enrollment.

   For any questions, please contact: 

  Samantha Rhodes, FCA Admissions Clerk at [email protected] or 740-654-2889 Ext 307

 Kara Stephens, FCA Director of Admissions at [email protected]

Entrance Screening

For students who have taken Standardized Testing at their previous school, we will accept those scores in place of the entrance screening portion of the Admissions Process for students in grades 6th - 12th. Otherwise, all screening for grades K -12 will take place at FCA. Portions of the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) are used for testing grades 5 - 12. Students in grades K - 4 will be tested using an individualized assessment. While test scores are not the sole decision for admission, they are of great significance to determining proper educational placement as well as signaling any needed intervention. Once you have submitted your application, the school office will contact you to schedule your student's test date. 

Family Interview

Once entrance screening has taken place for grades K-12 and the appropriate recommendation forms have been received in the office, each family will be contacted to schedule a family interview. The family interview, with members of FCA’s administration, is required for all students who are making application to FCA. Parents and the prospective student(s) are required to be present at the interview. This is a time to explore FCA’s educational and spiritual distinctions, to share your reason for applying to FCA, and to discuss your student’s educational experience, special needs, and your family’s expectations of the school.

Enrollment Paperwork

The final step in the Admissions Process is to complete the final enrollment paperwork. Once the Family Interview has been completed, the Admissions Office will provide paperwork giving instructions on how to complete the final enrollment paperwork.  

New Student Application

Samantha Rhodes Admissions Clerk
Samantha Rhodes
Admissions Clerk
740-654-2889 Ext 307
Director of Admissions
Kara Stephens
Director of Admissions
740-654-2889 Ext 312
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